Works of art are valuable, not only in terms of money, but especially in terms of
of cultural value. However, they are also fragile. For this reason, works of art must be protected and properly preserved from the very first moment.
Correct conservation and protection is fundamental from the very first moment: we believe that protecting the artistic heritage is everyone’s duty and we are committed to supporting and guiding you in order to better preserve your art collection.

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valutazioni di opere d'arte

The analysis


For a proper protection of the work of art, it is necessary to act to protect it from the most serious damage.

Initially it is important to study your artwork: knowing the material, the style and the period in which the artwork was made, is certainly a fundamental starting point to be able to better protect it.



Once all the characteristics of the work have been identified with certainty, it is important to activate a preventive behaviour on it. The position, the external factors that can act negatively on it, air, light and dust, but also relative humidity and temperature variations: all this affects the state of conservation of the work. However, if you follow a few small precautions you can avoid a more invasive intervention on the work, which would decrease its value, risking further damage.


Prevention is to be understood as a series of control actions aimed at a good and lasting conservation of the work. Prevention presupposes an intervention that is not limited to the object, but widens its range of action to the surrounding space. Art. 29 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape says: “Prevention is understood as the complex of activities suitable to limit the risk situations connected to the cultural heritage as a whole”.


Does your work have damages and needs important interventions? Entrust it to our restorers!
