Above all else, there is one thing that distinguishes the human being and makes him stand out in the animal world: the human being is the only one who seeks, produces and preserves beauty with the sole purpose of being able to enjoy it. The search for beauty has been part of us for no less than 40 thousand years, and constitutes such an important aspect of our soul that we felt the need to give it a name: Art.
So the art collector is more than just an accumulator, he goes far beyond the most venal financial speculations and transcends fashions and trends. What an art collector does, his real mission, is to celebrate his own and others’ humanity, preserve and enhance a small and precious portion of that diamond with infinite faces that we call human spirit.
On the other hand, preserving, safeguarding and enhancing art, advising the collector and accompanying him in every phase of his relationship with the work of art is the mission of Artesicura. Artesicura is the only integral service for the protection, safeguard, consultancy and enhancement of a work of art or a collection aimed exclusively at the world of private individuals.
The mission of Artesicura is to preserve, safeguard and enhance art, advising collectors and accompanying them in every phase of their relationship with the work of art.
The collector who signs an Artesicura protection will be entitled to the purchase of a work of art, transferring the full value of the protection.
Example: if you have subscribed a protection of 5000 euros, you are entitled to a work of art by Sasha Vinci or Tiziana Pers or another artist for the same value.